Leon's Random Ramblings

I didn't get this far only to say I got this far

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Throwback Wednesday

Throwback WednesdayThrowback Wednesday, or Retro Wednesday
For many, many years every single Wednesday I would travel to wherever my children were and take them out for a few minutes to chat and listen to what’s happening in their lives. Divorce is disruptive of your time and when you are busy with work and making a living it is sometimes very hard to stick to the routine. But in a way I felt it was important to my children to have the routine and I kept on making the effort, sometimes driving long distances or flying back at random hours from remote places. Now that they are older and married, I don’t see the bigger ones so much any longer, but I keep up the routine with Tiffiny the laatlammetjie.

But last night was special. It came together so unexpectedly. Somewhere during the morning I realised that I would be in Centurion that evening and that I would have to feed the little one, and then I realised that it is close to my other children, and suddenly I realised that we could/should invite everybody for dinner at a nearby restaurant.

And that, as the saying goes, was that. Just like in the old days we all got together and enjoyed a meal together with laughter and joyful abandon and lots of noise. What was inspiring was watching the little one talking to her sister, whom she seems to share a special sister-bond with. There is definitely some magic left in life.

In the photo is the happy daddy flanked by the people who makes it all worth while.

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