Leon's Random Ramblings

I didn't get this far only to say I got this far

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Archive for Family

Moving to a New Home

It’s been ten good years. For 10 years, this is where I came when I saw some injustice happen to children, especially children who are vulnerable from parents who are unable to resolve their own differences and let the children suffer with their fighting. But recently I have come to the conclusion that there is […]

I am moving in with … Myself

My Heart Will Go OnI am a child of the ’50s and ’60s and so as a first time parent during the ’70s there were a couple of things I feared for my children. Outwardly I felt completely confident in my ability to handle every normal growing up condition my children could present to me […]

Teach Your Children

Teach Your ChildrenSo I was chatting in the car the other day with my housekeeper of 18 years, Miriam, while driving her to the bus stop after work, something I often do just to pick up on the happenings. Miriam has seen me at my best, at my worst, and everything in between. She knows […]

Throwback Wednesday

Throwback Wednesday, or Retro Wednesday For many, many years every single Wednesday I would travel to wherever my children were and take them out for a few minutes to chat and listen to what’s happening in their lives. Divorce is disruptive of your time and when you are busy with work and making a living […]


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July 2024

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