Leon's Random Ramblings

I didn't get this far only to say I got this far

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Moms tell daughters to lie

Kids LiesI was seriously upset about todays article in News24 [click here] entitled “Dad freed 10 years after rape claim”. Basically the mother told the daughter to tell a lie, that her father sexually molested her.

I have first-hand experience of that kind of accusation. I’m glad (and lucky) I didn’t have to spend 10 years in jail for it.

But it begs the question: How can somebody hate somebody else so much, they are willing to put them in jail for 10 years with a false accusation? Previously I wrote that women accuse men simply because they can, but have they considered the damage to the other person’s life? Shezi (the dad) is now 39 years old and his life possibly ruined forever. Forgive, maybe. Forget, never.

Of course the answer is: They didn’t even notice. Women, who are willing to go that far, don’t care for anybody except for themselves. There is probably a high percentage of them afflicted with a syndrome called Narcissism – self love, to the exclusion of everything else. The only thing that matters to them is themselves and their image and ego. Sorry, fellers, they may have vaginas, but they don’t have female instincts that nourish, protect and preserve life.

My advice to Dads who are in high-conflict divorce cases remain the same: You Ex can lie, and will lie. Expect the worst from her.


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